NPI Checker

Enter an NPI below to check its validity.

This NPI is valid
The NPI (National Provider Identifier) number passes all format and checksum validations. It consists of 10 digits, where the last digit serves as a check digit verified using the Luhn algorithm. This NPI complies with the standards set by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and is recognized as valid.

Frequently Asked Questions

An NPI (National Provider Identifier) Number is a unique 10-digit identifier assigned to healthcare providers in the US. It is used to identify healthcare providers in all standard transactions, such as billing and claims processing. The NPI Number ensures that each provider is uniquely identified in the healthcare system.

NPI Numbers are created using a specific algorithm that ensures each number is unique and valid. This algorithm is designed to prevent duplication and errors, making sure that each healthcare provider has a distinct identifier. The uniqueness and validity of NPI Numbers are crucial for accurate billing and efficient healthcare transactions.

You need an NPI Number when billing for healthcare services, submitting claims, or conducting other healthcare transactions. It is essential for identifying healthcare providers in all standard transactions, ensuring accurate billing and efficient processing. Without an NPI Number, you may face delays and complications in your healthcare-related activities.

Entering the wrong NPI Number can result in incorrect billing, delays in payment, or issues with healthcare transactions. This can lead to significant financial losses and administrative headaches for healthcare providers. Ensuring the accuracy of NPI Numbers is crucial for smooth and efficient healthcare operations.

An NPI Number is considered sensitive information and should be protected to prevent unauthorized access to healthcare records. Protecting your NPI Number helps safeguard your personal and professional information from potential misuse. Always ensure that your NPI Number is shared securely and only with authorized entities.

Common mistakes when using NPI Numbers include entering incorrect digits, omitting characters, or mistakenly using someone else's NPI Number. These errors can lead to significant issues such as claim denials, payment delays, and administrative complications. Ensuring the accuracy of NPI Numbers is essential for smooth healthcare transactions and efficient billing processes.

Best practices for using NPI Numbers include double-checking the NPI Number for accuracy to avoid errors, using secure methods to share it to protect sensitive information, and verifying it with the healthcare provider to ensure it is correct. By following these steps, you can prevent claim denials, payment delays, and administrative complications, ensuring smooth and efficient healthcare transactions.